Tag: RangeMe

Getting Discovered: 5 Qualities of a Great Product Profile

Product information comes in numerous shapes and sizes--your website, your pricing sheet, your sales deck…all of these sources house information you want to get in the hands of retail buyers.

/ July 15, 2016

CPG: Capturing Hearts One Product at a Time

CPG, consumer packaged goods, may not resonate the same for all of us, but we can’t say we haven’t been exposed to it. Anytime you make a purchase at a store? Yup, that’s CPG.

/ June 23, 2016

Taking it to the Next Level

We’re proud to announce we’ve raised $4 million in US capital from influential investors including Freestyle Capital, Simon Equity Partners, Transmedia Capital, Kevin Hartz (Founder and Chairman of Eventbrite) and Steve Jang (Advisor to Uber).

/ May 10, 2016

Engage Shoppers with Omnichannel Personalization (Part 1)

The explosive changes in retail today are due in part to pervasive mobile technology, which is empowering consumers.

/ April 28, 2016

Forward, Together

For retail buyers, trade shows are an important part of their product discovery mix, a place they can go and meet the suppliers face-to-face, touch, feel, try, and even taste these products.

/ April 12, 2016

Online and In-Person? It’s Only Logical.

Together, RangeMe and Urban Expositions are taking matters into their own hands to put new product discovery power in your hands.

/ March 21, 2016

There’s Value In Store for Shoppers and Retailers

In a world where you can order your favorite items online and have them delivered in as little as 60 minutes to your door, consumers aren’t as readily making the trip to brick-and-mortar stores as they have in the past.

/ February 11, 2016

Small Steps, Giant Leaps—A New Partnership for a Better CPG Industry

CircleUp and RangeMe are coming together to provide product suppliers with a faster path to market as well as the resources to scale their business.

/ February 9, 2016

Hand in Hand: Innovation & Inspiration

Whatever the innovation you have in mind, embrace it. And in those moments when you doubt your idea—and everyone has those moments—don’t let go.

/ January 26, 2016

Bigger, Better, Now: The Buyer’s Mindset (Part 1)

As a supplier, can you put yourself in the buyer’s mindset? Can you give yourself a new perspective on your creation?

/ December 21, 2015