When you adopt a new friend, it’s hard to know how your life will change. There are supplies to buy, research to do and room to make for your new furry friend. Who knew a small kitten could turn your whole world upside down? I have not experienced adopting a furry companion of my own yet, but I’m currently living vicariously through my friend who recently adopted a kitten.

The adorable kitty
Upon visiting the unnamed kitten this past weekend, the first thing I noticed was HOW ADORABLY SMALL HE IS! As your typical “dog person,” this kitten got me head over paws as my heart stopped and I couldn’t help but “aww!” at each of his miniature gallops. Since the kitten was incredibly small, I was curious about his diet. My friend mentioned that he’s been feeding the kitten milk. But not just any milk, we’re talking specialized, formulated kitten milk! There is such a thing? I was blown away — who would’ve known!
My friend went on about the other specialized kitten supplies he had purchased to make sure everything was “kitten safe and approved.” Kittens will literally eat everything, therefore he purchased a special wheat-based kitty litter (normal litter is made from clay) to put in a kitten-sized papier–mâché litter box. Unfortunately, the litter wasn’t a problem for him. The bigger issue was the kitten was simply not using the litter box. (First hand experience, the kitten did its business on my thigh as I was playing with him with a cat charmer wand…)
With unlimited amounts of products that help solve every little headache you can think of with a new pet, let’s hope this kitten will grow up to be well-fed and litter trained.
So, what can this new kitten dad do? Purchase another product that he hopes will solve this dilemma: Cat Attract™. Just from the name of this product, you know exactly what it does–attracts cats! It is a litter that contains a natural herb to hopefully lure the cat to the litter box and solve all house training problems. My friend has yet to find it successful, but only time will tell for him and his new kitten.
With unlimited amounts of products that help solve every little headache you can think of with a new pet, let’s hope this kitten will grow up to be well-fed and litter trained. Best wishes to my friend and all new furry pet parents!
(And if you have any great names for this curious kitten, let me know!)