There are many things for business owners to consider when bringing a new product to market. They need to think about how they’re going to manufacture enough supplies to meet demand, how much to sell their product for, where they’ll sell it, and so much more. With so many factors to consider, product packaging is one that unfortunately tends to get a bit overlooked.

However, designing the right packaging for your product is one of the best ways to make it stand out from the competition. Packaging can help your product appeal to different audiences, catch a shopper’s eye on the shelf and e-shelf, and serve as an extension of your branding. It’s important that you take some time and energy to really invest in the suitable packaging for your product.

As you go about this process, there are several aspects to keep in mind. Read on to learn more about five things to consider when selecting packaging for your product.

1. Quality, Quality, Quality

Before you begin exploring the outer limits of what’s possible with packaging, it’s essential to ensure what you select is capable of carrying out the most basic function of packaging. That is, it must be able to contain your product without damaging it. Your packaging must maintain its form, without getting damaged, from the moment you put it together, through the shipping and stocking processes, until it gets into the hands of your end customer.

Ultimately, it will cost you far more in the price of damaged shipments than what you would pay to simply use higher quality packaging. That’s why, above all else, you need to prioritize the quality of the packaging that you use. It’s only after you’ve completed this step that you can start to focus on making your packaging special.

2. Design with Your Brand in Mind

The way a product’s packaging is designed can have a large influence on what consumers think about the product and whether or not they ultimately choose to purchase it. This makes designing appealing packaging for your products critical. However, it’s important to keep in mind that the word “appealing” will mean different things for different products and companies.

For example, a sleek, minimalistic packaging might work well with a product like a men’s razor that’s meant to be precise. This is an example of packaging that’s designed to fit the narrative that a brand is already telling. On the other hand, a similar design might not work for potato chips, which might sell better in fun or expressive packaging.

3. Pick Packaging That’s Sustainable

In business, it’s always beneficial to be forward-thinking. What works for your company now may not always work in the future — especially if you plan on ramping up production as your product grows in popularity. That rule also applies to your packaging. 

Just make sure you’re not committing to something now that will impact your ability to be successful in the future, whether that’s a factor of the cost of your packaging, the way it’s designed, or the materials it’s built from. Consumers are growing more conscious of the products they purchase, and plastic-free packaging is a top priority. 

4. Look for Unexpected Savings

We all know that certain types of packaging cost more than others. In most cases, this means companies need to balance the competing needs of quality and cost savings. However, smart entrepreneurs take advantage of lesser-known methods of saving money through the package design process.

For example, some types of packaging are lighter than others. You may not save money directly by choosing a lighter material over another. However, doing so could end up resulting in reduced transportation costs. Similarly, some types of packaging are easier to handle than others. Choosing these for your product could lead to a boost in production efficiency.

5. Keep Distribution and Storage Needs in Mind

It’s important to have a clear picture of how your product will make its way from the production facility to its end destination. Factors like how far your shipment needs to travel, how it’s transported, and how it needs to be stored along the way can have a large impact on the type of packaging that’s right for your product.

Ultimately, your goal should be to ensure that the packaging you use is capable of consistently making it through the distribution process undamaged. In order to do that, design the packaging with its distribution and storage processes in mind.

For more insights on product packaging, reach out to Joel Goldstein and the Mr. Checkout group in RangeMe Services.

You can also checkout packaging service providers here.

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