Category: Business Best Practices

What’s in a Name? (Part 2)

Whatever the reason, it can be a bit panic inducing to realize that the name you thought was so perfect is not really. But it doesn’t have to be! It’s fixable.

/ May 24, 2016

What’s in a Name? (Part 1)

What you name a product can definitely impact its overall swagger, just like packaging and shelf-placement can. But determining the best name for your product can be incredibly challenging.

/ May 4, 2016

Engage Shoppers with Omnichannel Personalization (Part 1)

The explosive changes in retail today are due in part to pervasive mobile technology, which is empowering consumers.

/ April 28, 2016

Transparency Builds B2C Brand Trust

Consumers’ high expectations for information sharing have made transparency an urgent business necessity for consumer goods and retail brands.

/ April 5, 2016

Whose Dinner is It? Convenient Meal Delivery Services vs. Retailers

Convenience is key for today’s consumers, and retailers are recognising and responding to this in the form of online delivery, and fresh, ready-made meals.

/ March 30, 2016

If the Price Isn’t Right

What’s an innovator to do if your product is already out there, and the price is…wrong?

/ March 3, 2016

The Price is (Hopefully) Right

Pricing a new product may be one of the trickiest endeavors you encounter when bringing a new product to market.

/ February 22, 2016

There’s Value In Store for Shoppers and Retailers

In a world where you can order your favorite items online and have them delivered in as little as 60 minutes to your door, consumers aren’t as readily making the trip to brick-and-mortar stores as they have in the past.

/ February 11, 2016

Changing the Marketplace, One Supplier at a Time (Part 2 of 2)

Five years ago there was so much focus on big brands, but not as much anymore. Smaller companies are growing exponentially...

/ December 17, 2015