Max Goldberg is the Founder/Publisher of Organic Insider, a weekly subscription email that is read by many of the most influential CEOs in the organic industry.
Max has been called “an organic sensation” by The New York Times and was named as “one of the nation’s leading organic food experts” by Shape. He is the founder of Living Maxwell (, one of the most widely read organic food blogs in the country, and Jobs in Organic (, a job board specifically for the organic food industry.

The Biggest Mistake Brands Made at Natural Products Expo West 2017
Expo West provides a tremendous opportunity to receive invaluable customer feedback--if only people would see it and use it that way.

Organic Circle in Brooklyn Takes Probiotics to a Whole New Level
In the wellness world, probiotics seem to be everywhere these days. That is because medical professionals are realizing that a person's microbiome plays a very direct role in that person's overall health.