Gordon Wade is one of the three people who created the discipline of category management for the industry ECR committee in 1993. Subsequently, in 2018 he led a blue-ribbon industry committee in completely updating the discipline as CatMan 2.0. He was commissioned by the Association of National Advertisers, the world’s largest marketing Trade organization, to create the protocol and process enabling Marketing Accountability. He is a Harvard graduate and an alumnus of Procter and Gamble’s famed marketing department. He can be reached at gwade@retailperformancegroup.com.

Six Questions for Success at Your Next Buyer Meeting
Here’s the information you need to provide retail buyers to convince them to work with your brand

More With Less: How SKU Reduction Can Drive Category Volume
One of the most common trends of the last 30 years of CPG marketing has been SKU proliferation. Discover why this trend is coming to an end.